Doktori védés adatlapja

The Semmelweis University
and the Clinical Medicine Doctoral School
invites you to the doctoral defense of the thesis of

Kocsis András Bernát


"Comparative biomechanical study and clinical application of surgical treatment of acetabulum fractures in the elderly"

The location and date of defense: SE Elméleti Orvostudományi Központ, Hevesy György előadóterem, 05.22.2023 14:00:00

Short thesis:
Full text of the dissertation: kocsisandrasbernat.d.pdf

Dr. Hangody László György egyetemi tanár
Dr. Szalay Krisztián egyetemi tanársegéd
Dr. Szerb Imre egyetemi docens

Dr. Pap Károly osztályvezető főorvos
Dr. Wiegand Norbert egyetemi tanár
Based on a literature review, we have developed a new implant system to treat unstable, displaced acetabulum fractures in the elderly. Prior to clinical use, the system was subjected to FEM analyses. The simulation tests have shown a clear advantage of our system over the previously used purely bone fixation procedures. Since 2018, we operated on 14 patients with this system. Eleven of the patients had an acute fracture, and three patients underwent surgery for chronic causes (one case due to acetabulum non-union, and two cases due to acetabular loosening and bone loss after THR). One patient died during the follow-up period, and one patient did not show up for follow-up. All of our patients were able to walk, with a minority using a cane. CT scans proved the plasma cup and bone surface integration, and no acetabular loosening occurred. Although the initially designed system provided sufficient stability, further modifications can improve the primary stability based on FEM analysis, surgical experience, and CT scan analysis. The weakness of our study was the low number of patients, but we will continue our prospective data collection, and we will modify our treatment strategy consequently. Based on the theoretical design, FEM analysis, and clinical results, the procedure we have developed can be a possible technique to treat unstable, displaced acetabulum fracture in the elderly, even based on CE (Conformité Européenne) criteria.
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(c) 2024.05.19. SU PhD School Last modification: Kovácsné Ollé Tímea (05.03.2023)